The Howard College Big Spring Campus Lamesa Campus San Angelo Campus SWCD News Room
Top Stories from around Howard College

Howard College AEL Programs Awarded Best In Class
The new AEL Best in Class Award is a performance-driven, quality award focused on a grantee’s performance toward meeting targeted measures, such as measurable skill

Episode 6 – Save the Trees!
This month is the first podcast of the Spring semester. We try something new with the format and go down the rabbit hole of group

President’s and Dean’s Lists for Fall 2019
Special congratulations to all students who made the President’s and Dean’s lists for Fall 2019!

Howard College Students Participating in the Texas Two-Year College All-State Choir
For most of us, singing is something we do in our car when no one is watching. Yet for these students, it’s a passion. Four

Episode 5 – Merry Christmas
We have a short episode this month. Our PASS topic is “Getting Involved” and we talk about the benefits of being a part of student

Howard College Foundation Speaker Series Presents Shari Simmons
The next Speaker Series event, Passive Victim to Resilient Warrior! October 22, 2019 at 7pm. Hall Center for the ArtsFree Event! As a clinician, author,

Hawks Welcome Students With a Week Full of Activities
The beginning of a new semester at Howard College and SWCD are always an exciting time of year. Families are busy moving new students into

Howard College Graduation Ceremonies Celebrate Student Success
Howard College students from 4 campus locations participated in various graduation ceremonies which started May 9th in San Angelo and continued through the 10th in

Future Health Professionals Honored at Howard College Pinning Ceremonies
Big Spring and San Angelo graduates of various health professions and nursing programs take time to participate in pinning ceremonies May 9th and 10th. The

President’s and Dean’s Lists for Spring Semester 2019
Special congratulations to all the students who made the Spring Semester President’s and Dean’s lists. The hard work of these students was recognized at each

Adventure Clubs Hit the Trail
Howard College and SWCD Adventure Clubs took a hike last Friday. The two groups joined up for an end of the semester trip to Caprock

Rattlers participate in annual Trash-Off
Several students and staff of the SWCID campus joined forces this morning to clean up the property around campus. Each spring, Howard College and SWCID