Your gift, no matter how large or small, can do much more than you think it can! By making a donation to Howard College (Big Spring, Lamesa, San Angelo or SWCD) today, you are having an effect on the future through our students and programs. As a donor, we pledge to you that we will manage and invest your funds in a way that will have the biggest impact possible.
Your financial gift will be used for the betterment of the college and ultimately our students and communities.
We invite you to spend time browsing through our website and see the programs and services we offer. Meet our students and see how your gifts are helping them to achieve their dreams. We are certain you will find that “Giving to HC” is a great investment in our future!
At each site, we have representatives that would be happy to visit with you about the many options available while making a decision about your gift. Please contact one of them today to set up a personal appointment and talk about changing lives!
Big Spring / Lamesa
Brenda Madore
(432) 264-5051
San Angelo
Pamela Callan
(325) 481-8300 ext: 3275
Shannon Creswell
(432) 264-3777
Frequently Asked Questions…
Why does Howard College need private gifts? – Community college funding comes primarily from four major sources…state funding, tuition and fees, tax dollars (where local taxes are levied) and gifts/grants. As state funding shifts and student tuition and fees increase, the public-private partnership must be strengthened through local taxpayers, private donors, and business/industry.
Who determines the Foundation’s fundraising priorities? – The Howard College Foundation-Big Spring and Lamesa; Howard College at San Angelo Foundation; and SWCID Foundation work closely with the Board of Trustees and the administration of the college to determine strategic needs. These strategic needs drive the efforts of the foundation. Unrestricted gifts are placed in the area with the most need. In some instances, donors provide gifts that enhance the vision of the college’s strategic plan.
Can I make a gift benefit a specific program or scholarship? – Giving thru any of the Foundations (Howard College Foundation-Big Spring and Lamesa; Howard College at San Angelo Foundation; and SWCD Foundation) allows you to designate your gift for a specific purpose. You may direct your preference with a letter, notation on your check, or gift agreement.