Sign Language Requirement
All students who enter SWCID of Howard College are expected to have or acquire expressive and receptive sign language skills during their time at the college. Students who do not have signing skills when they enter SWCID of Howard College will be asked to register for an appropriate level sign language course even though sign language courses may or may not be a required course in the student’s declared major.
Interpreting Services
Interpreting services are provided for any student needing either sign language, oral or voice interpreting. Services may be requested for classes at Howard College and SWCID campuses. Interpreting services are also provided for student phone calls, extracurricular activities (i.e., field trips, plays, etc.), and other school-related needs. All requests for service are honored whenever possible.
Notetaking Services
SWCID students attending classes at Howard College are assisted in securing notetakers for their classes.
Video Relay Services
Video relay services are readily available to SWCID faculty, staff and students. Sorenson video relay units are currently located in the Tutorial Center, Burke Mehan Residential Complex, Library and Faculty/Staff Lounge, and the Douglas J.N. Burke Education and Administration building Lobby area.
Video Phone
Any and all students wanting access to a video phone in their dorm room, please contact Student Services or your CRE.