Federal and State Aid Resources List
- Federal Pell Grants
- Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) Grants – Federal Grant
- Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
- College Work Study – Federal & State Program
- William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program (Subsidized / Unsubsidized / Direct)
- Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program (LEAP) / Special Leveraging Assistance Partnership Program (SLEAP) – State Grant
- Toward Excellence, Access & Success (TEXAS) Grant Program – State Grant
- Texas Educational Opportunity Grant (TEOG) Program – State Grant
- Summer Aid (Pell and Loans)
- State Student Incentive Grant Program (SSIG) and Texas Public Educational Grant (TPEG)
*All awards will be applied to students’ account prior to the first class day. Additionally, all institutional charges due to Howard College /SWCD will be deducted before remaining aid balances are refunded.
Federal PELL Grants
Federal PELL Grant Website for More Information
The purpose of the Federal Pell Grant Program is to provide eligible students with a “floor” of financial aid to help defray some of the costs of post-secondary education. Student eligibility is based on financial need determined on the basis of a formula, developed by the Department of Education and reviewed by Congress annually, which is applied uniformly to all applicants. Howard College participates in the Federal Pell Electronic Data Exchange (EDE) system. This allows the college to correct information on the Pell Grant Student Aid Report electronically for those students who list Howard College as their college choice.
- The Pell Grant will be determined based upon a student’s full time enrollment (12 semester hours) for a full academic year. If you do not plan to enroll full time, your award WILL be reduced.
Federal Pell Grant Duration of Eligibility – Public Law 112-74 amended HEA section 401(c)(5) to reduce the duration of a student’s eligibility to receive a Federal Pell Grant from 18 semesters (or its equivalent) to 12 semesters (or its equivalent). This provision applies to all Federal Pell Grant eligible students effective with the 2012-13 award year. The calculation of the duration of a student’s eligibility will include all years of the student’s receipt of Federal Pell Grant funding.
If a student is awarded Federal Pell Grant funding, and it is later determined that the student has exceeded their lifetime eligibility, the pell grant will be removed from the student’s account. In such a case, the student will be required to repay those funds to Howard College.
A student’s lifetime eligibility used may be viewed by logging into the National Student Loan Data System at www.nslds.ed.gov.
Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) - FEDERAL GRANT
An eligible student may receive an Academic Competitiveness Grant (AC Grant) of up to $750 for the first academic year of study and up to $1,300 for the second academic year of study. To be eligible for each academic year, a student must: be a U.S. citizen; be a Federal Pell Grant recipient; be enrolled full-time in a degree program; be enrolled in the first or second academic year of his or her program of study at a two-year or four-year degree-granting institution; have completed a rigorous secondary school program of study (after January 1, 2006, if a first-year student, and after January 1, 2005, if a second-year student); if a first-year student, not have been previously enrolled in an undergraduate program; and if a second-year student must have completed 30 semester hours and must have at least a cumulative 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale for the first academic year.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
A limited number of Supplementary Grants are available to students with exceptional need each year. Student eligibility and amount of grant is determined by the income level of the student and his parents.
College Work Study - FEDERAL & STATE PROGRAM
If awarded Federal or State Work Study, the amount awarded is an estimate of earnings and means that you are eligible to be employed under the FCWS at Howard College/SWCD. These funds will NOT be disbursed unless you obtain employment; you should report to the Office of Financial Aid during the first week of classes for job placement opportunities. If your aid preference included work, and you were not awarded work study, you must contact your financial aid representative and schedule an appointment.
The following loan programs provide assistance to students who have additional financial need to cover the cost of attending college. The FAFSA must be completed to determine eligibility for the Federal Direct Loan. The amounts awarded indicate the amount you are eligible to borrow through the Federal Direct Loan Program.
There are two types of Federal Direct Loans that you may be eligible for – subsidized and unsubsidized. Both types of loans have a variable interest rate. You are neither required nor encouraged to borrow these funds. However, if you do feel you will need additional money to pay expenses while in school, refer to the loan information request and lender information form for additional information
- Federal Direct Subsidized Student Loans – Students who demonstrate need may borrow through the subsidized loan program. If you qualify, the government pays the interest due on the loan while you are in school and during your grace and deferment periods. These are low-interest loans available through the Federal Government., Those who do not qualify for the subsidized loan (in whole-part) may be considered for the unsubsidized loan.
- Federal Direct Unsubsidized Student Loans – The unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan is for students who don’t qualify for a subsidized Federal Direct Loan or who qualify for less than the annual maximum amount. You are responsible for all interest that accrues on an unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan.
- Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan – The Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) is available for parents of dependent undergraduate students.
Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program (LEAP) / Special Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (SLEAP) - STATE GRANT
The purpose of these two programs is to provide grant assistance to financially needy students. To be eligible a student must be a Texas resident; attend a public or private university; are undergraduate students; show financial need based on federal methodology; are not in default on a federal loan and do not owe a refund on a federal or state grant; are a United States citizen; have not borrowed in excess of federal student aid limits; and register for the Selective Service, unless exempt.
Texas Educational Opportunity Grant Program (TEOG)
The Texas Educational Opportunity Grant program is for students who are attending a public community college, technical college, or public Texas institution. The program is administered through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). The THECB determines each academic year the maximum award amounts for the program. TEOG awards may be awarded to degree seeking or continuing education students. The student must have applied for financial assistance by submitting the FAFSA or Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA) applications. To be eligible for a TEOG Initial award, a student must be enrolled at least half-time (6 semester credit hours or its equivalent) in the first 45 hours(excluding credits for dual enrollment or by examination) towards an Associate Degree or certificate, or a continuing education program at a public two-year institution of higher education. All eligibility requirements are the same regardless if the program is a degree or certificate, or a continuing education program. However, awards will be calculated on quarters and continuing education units if the student is enrolled in a continuing education course.
The institution will give highest priority in awarding grants to students who demonstrate the greatest financial need. The priority family’s Student Aid Index (SAI) for 2024-2025 is $6,472. Priority for awarding funds first goes to Renewal Year(RY) students before Initial Year (IY) students. To receive a Renewal award, the student must be a previous TEOG Initial award recipient. Once all eligible RY students have been awarded, precedence does to eligible IY applicants who do not exceed the priority SAI. Highest priority awarding goes to those students who demonstrate greatest financial need, defined as cost of attendance minus the SAI.
The student must be a Texas resident, have applied for financial aid or assistance, have financial need, and be registered with selective service, or be exempt. At the end of the first year, the student must meet financial aid SAP requirements set by the institution to be eligible for a TEOG Renewal award. The academic standards at the end of the second academic year are completion of at least 75 percent of the total attempted hours and a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5, or its equivalent. A student who maintains eligibility will continue to receive the award for up to 75 credit hours, or its equivalent, four years, or upon completion of an Associate or Baccalaureate Degree, whichever comes first. The student cannot be concurrently receiving TEXAS Grant.
The Texas Educational Opportunity Grant (TEOG) requires that the student not have been convicted of a felony or an offense under Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code (Texas Controlled Substances Act). Institutions are required to collect a signed electronic or paper statement from each TEOG recipient prior to the disbursement of funds confirming eligibility in regards to the convictions of a felony or any offense under Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code. The statement may also be required to confirm selective service registration if the selective service cannot be confirmed through the ISIR, SSS.gov website, or the student is under the age of 18. The statement will be required for all TASFA applications. The statement of student eligibility is located under the financial aid forms at https://howardcollege.edu/students/financial-aid-and-scholarships/
Students may be awarded a total of 3 awards (Fall, Spring, and Summer) in an academic year. The 2024-2025 award maximum for public community colleges is $8,658 for the year, $2,886 per semester.
A student who is ineligible for a TEOG award based on GPA or competition rate below the required level, enrolled in less than half-time, or having 75 attempted credit hours, the student may be deemed eligible under a hardship provision. However, the total number of hours paid for with TEOG cannot exceed 75 credit hours, or its equivalent. A student who is not meeting satisfactory academic progress may appeal to the financial aid office by submitting a suspension appeal form for a hardship to be considered. The District Dean of Financial aid or Associate Director of Financial Aid will review all pertinent information regarding the situation and may grant a suspension appeal. If the student is dissatisfied with the decision of the District Associate Director of Financial Aid, the case may be referred to the Financial Aid Committee for a decision. Final decision will then be left to the Financial Aid Committee.
Hardship conditions may include, but are not limited to:
- severe illness or other debilitating condition that may affect the student’s academic performance.
- indication that the student is responsible for caring for a sick, injured, or needy person
- other special circumstances that prevented the student from meeting satisfactory academic progress.
Summer Aid - (PELL AND LOANS)
Summer — Complete a Summer Application (check it is for the correct year) located on the Financial Aid Resources page.
- Priority Deadline: May 1. This date ensures that we will have your financial aid file competed and awarded for summer classes when payment is due.
- Failure to provide ALL required documents by the deadline could and will result in your aid not being ready to pay your bill on the deadline for payments This means, you will need to make other financial arrangements such as a payment plan, cash, etc. with the business office or use the online payment system located in Campus Connect.
- Simply completing the FAFSA by the deadline is NOT considered a complete file because there is more information required beyond the FAFSA application.
- Complete a Summer Loan Acceptance Form located on the Financial Aid Resources page (Other Documents tab)
Texas Public Educational Grant (TPEG)
These grant funds are available from a combination of Federal, State, and College sources to assist students who have additional financial need. These grant funds are limited. Generally, for credit hour academic students, awards range from $300 to $600 per academic year. Students must complete a financial aid file, be enrolled in 6 hours or more, be a Texas resident or non-resident, and have financial need to receive the award.
TPEG funds may be awarded to Continuing Education students. Funds are generally awarded to cover the cost of the courses; however, funds will be awarded based on student’s need and availability of funding for the award year.
Some TPEG funds may be used for matching Texas Educational Opportunity Grant awards if the student’s tuition/fees exceed the amount of Texas Educational Opportunity Grant and there are no other funds to match the Texas Educational Opportunity Grant; however, the student’s total Texas Educational Opportunity Grant and TPEG funds may not exceed “need”.
TPEG awards are generally awarded for the Fall and Spring semesters but may be awarded for Summer if funds are available and the student shows need. Awards are also generally made for $300 per semester but may, in a limited number, exceed that amount on an individual basis.
State Exemptions and Waivers
Students may view a complete list of exemption and waiver eligibility requirements on the College for all Texans website, https://www.mytexasfuture.org/