PTKBS Chapter Certificate

Iota Beta Chapter

The mission of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize academic achievement of college students and to provide opportunities for them to grow as scholars and leaders.

Read more about PTK, membership, and our current members here. 

2018 Induction Ceremony

PTK BS 2018

About Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa is the international honor society of two-year colleges and academic programs. It is headquartered in Jackson, Mississippi and has more than 2 million members in more than 1,250 chapters.
The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa shall be to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students. It is estimated that 200,000 students participate in Phi Theta Kappa programs every year.  Joining PTK is by invitation. To qualify for membership, Howard College requires a student to have earned a minimum of 12 hours at Howard College, have a 3.25 GPA, be enrolled in a minimum of 6 college credit hours, and not be taking any college preparatory classes during the semester of the induction.  

Members of Phi Theta Kappa have opportunities to receive some of more than $36 million in scholarships provided exclusively for Phi Theta Kappa members. Members are also eligible to participate in the All-USA Academic Team program, co-sponsored by USA Today, and by extension their own statewide academic teams. Members also receive automatic nominations to the National Dean’s List and jo postings exclusively for Phi Theta Kappans.

The Key is a golden slab, keyed at the top and bottom. Across the center of the slab is a black enamel band upon which three Greek letters appear, which are the initials of three mystic Greek words meaning phronimon (Phi), thumos (Theta),   katharotes (Kappa) and meaning “wisdom,” “aspiration,” and “purity.” Behind the band is a wreath, on one side composed of oak leaves, and on the other, of laurel. The wreath of oak leaves denotes stability and strength of character, and the curling leaves of laurel signify achievement and success. Above the band is a representation of the head of Athena, Goddess of Learning; in the base appear the mystic Greek letters meaning light, the light of learning and knowledge.

2024 Members

Heather Arnold
Katlyn Barnett
Kinley Chandler
Tarie Feaster
Victoria Franco
Mayra Gomez
Seth Grayson
Gloria Haliburton
Katelyn Haynie
Adrian Juarez
Madelynn Kearney
Jazmine Lozano
Alexander Martinez
Emily Matthews
Mia Melendez

Mercedes Narvaez
Daizjia Oages
Gloriann Ortiz
Michael Peterson
Adrianna Phillips
Deida Pressy
Sara Pugh
Richard Reyes
Lacey Rice
Casey Shubert
Marcus Slater
Torah Smith
Taryn Spivey
Jaelyn White