Home of the Howard College Podcast! For the students - by the students. To listen you can stream episodes from this page, or subscribe on one of these popular podcast streaming services. Search "Howard College" on any of these services and click "Subscribe" to get the newest episodes as they are released!


Rinse the blood off my toga!
A radio performance by the Howard College Theater students.

Episode 6 – Save the Trees!
This month is the first podcast of the Spring semester. We try something new with the format and go down the rabbit hole of group discussion. The PASS topic is “How to calculate your GPA”. Join us for a fun episode with many turns. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2019/11/15/2020-election-college-campus-politics-battleground-states-070076

Episode 5 – Merry Christmas
We have a short episode this month. Our PASS topic is “Getting Involved” and we talk about the benefits of being a part of student clubs or organizations while in College. The article we discuss is linked below. We hear from a few departments and the college President as we

Rinse the blood off my toga!
A radio performance by the Howard College Theater students.

Episode 6 – Save the Trees!
This month is the first podcast of the Spring semester. We try something new with the format and go down the rabbit hole of group discussion. The PASS topic is “How to calculate your GPA”. Join us for a fun episode with many turns. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2019/11/15/2020-election-college-campus-politics-battleground-states-070076

Episode 5 – Merry Christmas
We have a short episode this month. Our PASS topic is “Getting Involved” and we talk about the benefits of being a part of student clubs or organizations while in College. The article we discuss is linked below. We hear from a few departments and the college President as we

Episode 4 – Thankfully, I can do a Brain Dump!
This is the time of year where the stress of approaching finals and the end of the semester are growing. Right in the middle of that, we press pause and enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with friends and family. In this episode, we talk about a way to get all of
The Howard College Podcast is a production of the Howard College Podcast Club, a student organization, and is intended to share information to all college bound students. Our intent is to provide entertaining content while adding useful and productive conversations for students.
The 2019 Fall Semester Cast and Crew are as follows.
- Club Sponsor, Producer and Editor: Mick Sudano
- Club President, Cast Member: Reagan Ver Steeg
- Club Vice President, Cast Member: Elijah Becker
- Club Treasurer, Cast Member: Kimee Ogle
- Club Secretary, Cast Member: Brennan East
- Club & Cast Member: Jena Striegler
We are currently updating our club membership details. If you are interested in joining the club, please contact a club sponsor for details.
The club will occasionally offer fundraising activities during the semester. If you would like to simply donate to the club please contact a sponsor to arrange your contribution.
Once we start meeting in the Fall we will post information here.