Our Mission
The Howard College Veterans Advisor is here to assist Veterans and their families in achieving academic, personal, and professional success. To fulfill President Lincoln's promise “To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan” by serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s Veterans.
Our Vision
Our vision is to be the college of choice for military personnel, Veterans, and their families. We assist individuals in a seamless transition from military to civilian life by informing of educational benefits, encouraging campus and community engagement, and helping to provide a positive experience through degree completion and on to a successful future. We prepare them for employment or get them ready to move on to a 4 year University. We believe in total care of the Veteran, military personnel, and their families. You didn’t serve alone, you didn’t deploy alone; at Howard College – We got your 6!
Our Values
The Howard College Veterans Department embraces the following values: Service: We appreciate your service and understand the diversity of thought and experience you bring to Howard College. It’s our turn to serve you. Commitment: We will connect you to campus and community resources enhancing your overall college experience to provide a greater chance of successful academic achievement and degree completion. We are committed in easing the transition from Military to civilian life and offer tools to make that transition a successful one. Integrity: We treat everyone with the dignity and respect that you have earned and that we all expect from others.