(325) 481-8300 x 3334
(432) 264-5020
While we do have communication processes in place to assist applicants, these interactions are not unsolicited.
Chapter 30
- Chapter 30 Montgomery GI Bill® (MGIB-AD)
- Provides education benefits to Veterans and Service members who have at least two years of active duty.
- Chapter 1606 Montgomery GI Bill® (MGIB-SR)
- Program provides education and training benefits to eligible members of the Selected Reserve, including the Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve and Coast Guard Reserve, and the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard. Eligibility for this program is determined by the Selected Reserve components and VA makes the payments.
Chapter 31
- Chapter 31 Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)
- If you have a service-connected disability (SCD) that prevents you from continuing your former career, you may be able to receive one-on-one support from VA’s Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) program to help you identify and prepare for exciting new employment opportunities.
Chapter 32
- Chapter 32 Veterans Educational Assistance Program (VEAP)
- VEAP is available if you elected to make contributions from your military pay to participate in this education benefit program. The government matches your contributions on a 2-for-1 basis.
Chapter 33
- Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill®
- If you have at least 90 days of aggregate active duty service after Sept. 10, 2001, and are still on active duty, or if you are an honorably discharged Veteran or were discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days, you may be eligible for this VA-administered program. Purple Heart recipients, regardless of length of service, are qualified for Post-9/11 benefits at the 100% level. Certain members of the Reserves who lost education benefits when REAP was sunset in November 2015, may also be eligible to receive restored benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill®.
- Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill® Transfer
- The transferability option under the Post-9/11 GI Bill® allows Service members to transfer all or some unused benefits to their spouse or dependent children. The request to transfer unused GI Bill® benefits to eligible dependents must be completed while serving as an active member of the Armed Forces. The Department of Defense (DOD) determines whether or not you can transfer benefits to your family. Once the DoD approves benefits for transfer, the new beneficiaries apply for them at VA.
- Chapter 35 Dependents Education Assistance Program
- The Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA) program offers education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of Veterans who are permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition or of Veterans who died while on active duty or as a result of a service-related condition.
Tools to help you get started
Students can have their military transcripts sent directly to Howard College.
Military transcripts accepted at Howard College are as follows:
- Joint Service Transcript (JST) includes Army, Marines, Navy and U.S. Coast Guard.
- Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) includes U.S. Air Force and Air Force Reserve or Air Guard.
* Transferring credit from your military service to be included as college credit can have long-term ramifications. It is important that you know what these actions will have upon any degree that you are seeking with Howard College. It is for this reason that if you are interested in having any credit evaluated from your military service that you first visit with the VA Benefit Coordinator at the site in which you plan to attend.
Evaluation of Military Transcripts
In order for prospective or current students to have their transcripts evaluated, they must complete the following steps.
- Apply for Admissions to Howard College.
- Submit JST or CCAF transcripts to Office of Admissions.
Once the above steps have been completed, the Office of the Registrar will evaluate the transcripts.
- CCAF is considered an accredited college and will be evaluated under the Transfer Credit policy
- JSTs are considered a non-traditional source, and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
American Council on Education and Credit Recommendation on Joint Service Transcripts
To evaluate Joint Service Transcripts, Howard College uses the recommendations from the American Council on Education (ACE) listed on a student’s JST and consults Faculty/Deans/Program Chair on the acceptance of military credit. Further information can be found in ACE’s Military Guide.
- Offers Veterans, Service members, and their family’s education benefits like help paying tuition, help finding the right school or training program, and career counseling. Explore your benefit options.
- This is where you will access and print VA Education Benefits eligibility information for Post-9/11 GI Bill, view payment history details for all VA benefits, download your DD214 or active/reserve orders, update your contact and bank account information with VA, submit your monthly enrollment verification for Ch. 30 and 1606 to name a few
- The Hazlewood Act is a State of Texas benefit that provides qualified Veterans, spouses, and dependent children with an education benefit of up to 150 hours of tuition exemption, including most fee charges, at public institutions of higher education in Texas. This does NOT include living expenses, books, or supply fees.
- Application: https://www.tvc.texas.gov/education/hazlewood-act/
- Record of Hours Used: https://hazlewood.tvc.texas.gov/students/Account/Login
- USA Jobs – Search and apply for federal jobs. Learn about unique hiring paths for veterans, students and graduates, individuals with a disability, and more. https://www.usajobs.gov/
- Texas Veteran Commission Employment Search – The Veterans Employment Program’s mission is to provide sound job coaching and to assist employers with understanding the unique benefits of hiring Veterans so that every Texas Veteran and eligible Veteran spouse has access to long term and meaningful employment. https://www.tvc.texas.gov/employment/
- Texas Veteran Commission Careers – Apply for a job to work with Veteran with the Texas Veterans Commission. https://www.tvc.texas.gov/careers/
- Texas Workforce Commission – Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is the state agency charged with overseeing and providing workforce development services to employers and job seekers of Texas. TWC strengthens the Texas economy by providing the workforce development component of the Governor’s economic development strategy. Texas boasts an incredibly skilled workforce ready to attract enterprise to the Lone Star State. By focusing on the needs of employers, TWC gives Texas the competitive edge necessary to draw business here https://twc.texas.gov/
- Texas Operation Welcome Home – Texas Operation Welcome Home is a program designed to better meet the needs of Transitioning Service Members, recently separated Veterans, and Military Spouses in the Great State of Texas. https://texasoperationwelcomehome.com/
- Wounded Warrior Project – Great benefits. Competitive pay. We know these are some of the things people look for in a job. But if you’re the kind of person who also cares about making an impact and serving our nation’s wounded warriors and their families, then you’re exactly the kind of person we’re looking for. Change the life of someone who served their country, and join an organization that not only supports you, but empowers you to make that change a reality. https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/cool-careers
- Work in Texas – Offers job seekers immediate and continuous access to job matching services. Even when job seekers are not logged on, WorkInTexas.com continues to match job openings with qualified job seekers and generates notices to alert them to potential job opportunities. Job seekers can also browse thousands of job postings, including all Texas state agency jobs, refer themselves to open positions, complete résumés and/or state applications and maintain them online. https://www.workintexas.com/vosnet/Default.aspx?enc=vLa15KtdCzQQMP6jrcRdIQ
- City of San Angelo – Apply for a job with the City of San Angelo. https://cosatx.applicantpool.com/jobs/
- City of Big Spring – Apply for a job with the City of Big Spring. https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/mybigspring
- City of Lamesa – Apply for a job with the City of Lamesa. https://www.ci.lamesa.tx.us/219/A-Job
Required benefits forms to turn in will be the Statement of Understanding and the applicable VA Benefit you plan on using. (Such as Chapter 35)
Scholarships Available to Veterans, Service Members, and their Families
In addition to Veteran Scholarships, all Howard College Students can pursue other scholarship opportunities found here.
Scholarship | Information | Application |
Veteran Emergency Assistance
Organization | Information | Website |
National Veteran Resources
Organization | Information | Link |
Local/State Veteran Resources
Organization | Information | Website |
Other Resources
- US Department of Veteran Affairs – Education and Training – http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/
- Texas Veterans Commission – http://www.tvc.state.tx.us/
- Veteran’s Lifeline – https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/help-yourself/veterans
- AC Online’s Guide to College Affordability for Veterans
- Mesothelioma Hub – The U.S. military used asbestos products for more than 40 years. If you’re a veteran and were exposed to this toxic dust, you may be entitled to federal benefits. Find out how to apply. https://www.mesotheliomahub.com/veterans/
The Mesothelioma Center – Veterans file nearly 30 percent of all mesothelioma lawsuits in the United States. All branches of the military relied on asbestos in the past, and builders overseas still do. As a result, veterans are more likely than others to develop asbestos-related diseases. https://www.asbestos.com/veterans/
Return of Unearned TA Funds
Military Tuition Assistance (TA) is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of TA funds originally awarded. Howard College will return any unearned TA funds on a prorated basis through the 60% portion of the period for which the funds were provided. TA funds are earned proportionally during an enrollment period, with unearned funds returned based upon when a student stops attending. These funds are returned to the military Service branch. Instances when a Service member stops attending due to a military service obligation, Howard College will work with the affected Service member to identify solutions that will not result in student debt for the returned portion.
Schedule for Returning Unearned TA funds
16 Week Course
Prior to the first day of the semester*
During the first fifteen class days
The sixteenth class day – 60% of course is completed
During the sixteenth to forty seventh class day
After the forty seventh class day
4 Week Summer Course
Prior to the first day of the semester*
During the first five class days
The sixth class day – 60% of course is completed
During the sixth to ninth class day
After the ninth class day
Flex Entry and Non-Semester Length Courses
Prior to the first class day
After first day of class, see the following schedule:
Length of term
(# of weeks)Last day for
70% refundLast day for
25% refund (60% of course is complete)2 or less
8 Week Summer Course
Prior to the first day of the semester*
Day 1-8
Day 9-23
Day 24 – 60% of course is completed
After the 24 class day
*The first class day is the official first day of class of the semester. Class days are based on the college calendar.