Continuing Education provides the opportunity for the surrounding community to take classes for personal, physical and professional needs. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are awarded for the successful completion of courses. Ten hours of instruction earns one CEU. Generally, there are no entrance requirements or examinations and classes are offered to students of all ages. Instructors are not only educators from Howard College, but women and men from business, government, and other fields in the community. Community members who are interested in pursuing a new interest or teaching a class are encouraged to call the Workforce Training office at (432) 264-5161.

WFCE Courses Big Spring

Current Courses
CourseSummaryAdditional Information
Basic Handgun Introduction

This course is an introduction to firearms. Instruction will cover firearm safety, care/cleaning techniques, shooting principles, and range firing. 

Upon completion of the course, the participant will be able to demonstrate proper shooting principles and safety proficiency with firearms.

Course Flyer
Certified Nurse Aide (CNA)This course provides students with the essentials to administer basic care to residents of long-term care facilities.Course Flyer
CNA Re-CertificationSatisfies the 24 hour in-service education requirement, which is part of the Certified Nurse Aide renewal process.Course Flyer and Registration
Commercial Drivers License (CDL)Howard College and ACT are leading the way among the Permian Basin region CDL programs. With the most student completions, in-house DOT testing, and guaranteed placement upon completion, we will help you get on the job quickly.

CDL Page

Concealed Handgun Course

Covers laws that relate to weapons and the use of deadly force; Handgun use and safety, including use of restraint
holsters and methods to ensure the secure carrying of openly carried handguns. Upon completion, the student will be eligible to apply to Texas Department of Public Service for LTC license.

Course Flyer
Construction Technology

Construction Technology features hands-on instruction in the construction of a small building. Students will learn framing construction, and safety, tools, and equipment used in construction methods and systems. At the end of the course, students will be able to demonstrate safety practices and procedures, use of tools and equipment associated with framing in construction, estimate material requirements from blueprints, and demonstrate methods used in framing. 

Course Flyer
CPRGroup or business options available, please contact Glenda Low at (432) 264-5626 or glow@howardcollege.eduCourse Flyer

An overview of the horticulture industry, plant science, terminology, classification, propagation, environmental responses, and careers and opportunities in the field of horticulture. Also learn about a nutrient film technique (NFT) hydroponics system made to grow different types of vegetables. Vegetables grown during class will be lettuce and strawberries using the new system. This will help students learn about plant growth and new technology in the horticulture field. 

Course Flyer
Medication AideProvides instruction in the preparation and administration of medications by non-licensed nursing personnel employed in licensed health care agencies.Course Flyer
Medication Aide RecertificationThis class fulfills the annual education renewal requirements for the Certified Medication Aide.Course Flyer and Registration
Mental Health First AidAdult and Youth courses available. To register please contact Ida M. Hambrick with West Texas Centers at (432) 264-3240 or email
PhlebotomyThis course prepares the student for the practice of phlebotomy in clinics, hospitals, commercial laboratories, large medical offices, and blood banks.Course Flyer
SMAW Welding

This course covers the theory and introduction to shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) processes. Skill in the welding process and the selection of materials and equipment will be stressed. At the end of the course, students will be able to demonstrate and define the principles of arc welding, interpret electrode classifications and perform welding operations in various positions using different joint designs.

Course Flyer