Current student borrowers and future student borrowers should visit for more information in regards to understanding student loans, repaying your loans, and handling default issues.

If you are reported for non-attendance in a class, you need to turn into financial aid proof of attendance from your instructor or your loan will be canceled.

Reminder…. if a student withdraws or drops below half-time, all other disbursements are canceled and they must complete exit counseling at Counseling

Dates are subject to change in accordance with registration dates. Only one loan request will be processed per semester.

The Official FY2019 Cohort Default Rate for Howard County Junior College District is 3.5%.

It is the student’s responsibility to apply for a student loan. Howard College does not apply for you.  Submit a loan request using Direct Loans. The Federal Government will be your lender. Only 1 loan request will be processed per semester.

As an eligible borrower, I understand I may still be eligible for state of Texas grant assistance.  I understand I may contact financial aid about grant assistance if the student is a borrower from another state.


  1. Log on:
  2. Loan Award Information: Before you begin you will need to have the following information:
    • Social Security Number.
    • First two (2) characters of your last name.
    • Date of Birth: (mm/dd/yyyy).
    • FSA ID USERNAME and Password.  The FSA ID is the same log in as your FAFSA.
  3. Complete Entrance Counseling: Under the tab “Complete Aid Process”, add Howard County Junior College. You will be required to take a quiz.
  4. Complete Informed Borrower Tool Confirmation  – under tab “Complete Aid Process” at
  5. If you Received A Direct Loan from Howard College for the prior aid year – STOP: You do not need to complete a New MPN. Skip to #8.
  6. New Students: Complete Master Promissory Note: click on “Subsidized/Unsubsidized or Plus Loan for Parent Borrowers” – Be sure to Add Howard College.
  7. Complete Four Steps:
    • Personal Information
    • Personal References
    • Terms and Conditions (read all four parts)
    • Review and Sign
  8. Congratulations! You have complete the MPN Process – One More Step
  9. Important: You must complete your loan request by submitting a Loan Award Acceptance Form to the Financial Aid office. The form is available for download here on the Howard College website, or from the Financial Aid Office.

    Please Understand, first-time borrowers ($0 loan balance on NSLDS) who have never attended Howard College/or any other institution are subject to 30-day delay for loan disbursements.  Dual credit is considered first time in college.

    Important: Only one loan request will be processed per semester.

A promissory note is a legally binding contract between the borrower of a Direct Loan, and the lender – the U.S. Department of Education. It contains the terms and conditions of the loan and explains how and when it should be repaid. Before you receive your loan funds, you must sign a promissory note electronically using your PIN#.

Repayment of Loans: It is important to make sure you do not miss a payment on your student loans. It is important to contact your loan servicer about different repayment options. Your loan servicer handles all billing regarding your student loans.

For more information about the repayment of student loans, 


Direct Loan Borrowers 
Phone: 1 (800) 848-0979 or (315) 738-6634
Fax: 1 (800) 848-0984
TDD: 1 (800) 848-0983
Or go to