Howard College and SWCD Adventure Clubs took a hike last Friday. The two groups joined up for an end of the semester trip to Caprock Canyon State Park. It was a great opportunity to get off campus for a break before getting ready for finals. The friendly park staff shared a brief history of the park and the bison herd that live there. The students were able to fit two short hikes into the schedule. One from the North Prong primitive area which provided vista views of the canyon system. Later in the day they hiked a portion of the Upper Rim Trail which allowed them to meet some of the park wildlife. Special thanks to the State Park staff for their hospitality and Jim Walterhouse for driving a van load of college students for 3 hours each way.
Checkout the park on Facebook @Caprock.Canyons
For more information about the adventure club, please email Club Sponsor Mick Sudano or visit one of the club pages. SWCID Adventure Club Page – Big Spring Adventure Club Page