How it Works
- Complete an Associate of Arts in Teaching at Howard College + 6 hours in GEOG & HIST
- Transfer to Texas Tech University and complete 1 year of online upper-level college courses to complete the Bachelors Degree
- * Student teach in a local ISD during your year at TTU
- Pass the Teachers Certification Test
Howard College and TechTeach Across Texas can help you progress from an Associate to a Bachelor’s degree in a single year while earning your teacher certification. The program not only gets you in the classroom faster, but it also prepares you with a full year of hands-on experience and frequent certification exam practice.
TechTeach at Howard College is the result of a partnership between Howard College and Texas Tech University.
Benefits of TechTeach at Howard College
- Stay in your community and take your upper-level college courses online
- Begin working in local classrooms your first semester at Tech
- Finish your Texas Tech bachelors degree requirements in one year
* Our partnership is designed with specific School Districts in the communities we serve. Your Student Teaching segment of the program must be completed in one of these districts.
Big Spring ISD – Coahoma ISD – Forsan ISD – Lamesa ISD
Join Educators Rising!
Howard College is home of a local student organization chapter of Educators Rising. Enhance your student experience and get involved!

For more information
Teacher Education & Dual Credit Pathways Coordinator
(432) 264-5079