Howard College LEADS Your Way

DREAMS Week 2022 Activities Begin Sunday August 22.

Review the schedule here!

Howard College LEADS … Your Way: 
LearnExperienceAchieve Defined Success. Howard College recognizes the significance of fostering student engagement with peers, faculty, staff and the community during the first stages of a college career. National data reveals that strong relationships are formed early on when students get involved in college programs and group activities outside the classroom. Student engagement will help students to chart their pathways to success and lifelong learning. Put simply, the HC LEADS … YOUR WAY program is a student’s foundation to a successful college experience! 

HC LEADS is a comprehensive program consisting of academic instruction, student engagement, and community involvement through skill-based activities that are designed to empower students during their freshman year and beyond.

LEADS is the product of the Howard College Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)

LEADS Contacts

LEADS Co-Director

Cindy Smith, Director of Information & Marketing
(432) 264-5034

LEADS Co-Director

Tish Gutierrez
(325) 481-8300

LEADS Student Support
Big Spring Liaison

Lauren Barber

LEADS Student Support
San Angelo Liaison

Davin Darnell

Campus Liaison

Jeff Anderson