What is Dual Credit?
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board defines dual credit as a system under which an eligible high school student enrolls in college course(s) and receives credit for the course(s) from both Howard College with high school credit. Dual credit courses may be taught on the high school campus by an approved instructor or on the college campus. Dual credit courses include both academic and career technical courses. High school students in the 9th through 12th grades who meet Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSI), or dual credit eligibility requirements may enroll in dual credit courses. Before enrolling for classes students will need to meet with and have approval from a high school administrator/counselor to participate in dual credit.
Benefits of Dual Credit
- Accelerated time to degree completion. Dual credit provides an opportunity to earn 24+ hours of core college credit.
- Save money. Courses taken for dual credit have discounted tuition depending on each school site.
- Transfer credit to another institution. Core curriculum courses taken at Howard College may transfer to any public college or university in Texas.
- Experience small class sizes.
- Helps build confidence by easing into college.
Dual Credit Enrollment Checklist
- Visit with your high school counselor to determine if you are eligible. Review the Dual Credit Student Handbook.
- Complete and submit an online dual credit application for admissions at https://hc4.life/dcapp
- Determine your TSI status. To be able to enroll in dual credit courses, all students who do not meet the exempt requirements must take the TSI Assessment test in Math and/ or Reading and Writing. See the requirements listed in the catalog.
- Set up Howard College Email. https://howardcollege.edu/students/tools-resources/system-access/
- Create a HC student EAB account https://howardcollege.campus.eab.com/ You will use your Howard College credentials to sign into EAB. This is the same username and password you established for your HC email.
- Submit a copy of immunization records showing that the student has received the Bacterial Meningitis vaccine within the last 5 years.
- Complete and submit the Student/Parent Agreement form (PDF) located in the Dual Credit Enrollment Packet, this may be given to your high school counselor.
- Request high school transcript and all testing scores to be sent to Howard College. Contact your high school counselor.
- Complete and submit the Schedule Card with a list of courses planned to attend for the semester.
- Pay for courses. Contact your high school Counselor or Howard College representative.