Licensed Vocational Nurse
The Vocational Nursing program is a 12 month Certificate program that offers college credit.

San Angelo - LVN Program

VN program breakout sessions for additional information will be held on the following dates and times: 1/30/25 6:30pm via zoom; 2/3/25 in-person WTTC A-111 at 6:30pm. 2/27/25 6:30pm via zoom; 3/3/25 6:30pm in-person WTTC A-111. 3/27/25 6:30pm via zoom; 3/31/25 in-person 6:30pm WTTC A111. 4/24/25 6:30pm via zoom; 4/28/25 6pm in-person WTTC A111; 5/8/25 6:30pm via Zoom. 

The Vocational Nursing program is a 12-month Certificate program that offers college credit. It is designed to prepare students to perform direct patient care under the supervision of a Registered Nurse and/or physician. Students are prepared for upward mobility in a nursing career. The program is approved by the Texas Board of Nursing and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Upon completion, students will apply to take the State Board Examination (NCLEX-PN) to become a Licensed Vocational Nurse. Many Vocational Nursing students, after passing the State Board Exam, return to Howard College to pursue the Accelerated (Transition) Associate Degree Nursing Program to become a Registered Nurse.
