San Angelo - LVN Program
VN program breakout sessions for additional information will be held on the following dates and times: 1/30/25 6:30pm via zoom; 2/3/25 in-person WTTC A-111 at 6:30pm. 2/27/25 6:30pm via zoom; 3/3/25 6:30pm in-person WTTC A-111. 3/27/25 6:30pm via zoom; 3/31/25 in-person 6:30pm WTTC A111. 4/24/25 6:30pm via zoom; 4/28/25 6pm in-person WTTC A111; 5/8/25 6:30pm via Zoom.
The Vocational Nursing program is a 12-month Certificate program that offers college credit. It is designed to prepare students to perform direct patient care under the supervision of a Registered Nurse and/or physician. Students are prepared for upward mobility in a nursing career. The program is approved by the Texas Board of Nursing and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Upon completion, students will apply to take the State Board Examination (NCLEX-PN) to become a Licensed Vocational Nurse. Many Vocational Nursing students, after passing the State Board Exam, return to Howard College to pursue the Accelerated (Transition) Associate Degree Nursing Program to become a Registered Nurse.
- Catalog Program Description
- Nursing Booklet
- VNSG Checklist
- Visit ATI for TEAS test information
- Background Check
(Click Health Professions to do Background check & Drug Screen)
Nursing has been an integral part of Howard College’s history for over fifty years. The Vocational Nursing Program is a 12-month Certificate Program approved by the Texas Board of Nursing (TBON) and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). Upon successful completion of the program, students may apply to take the nationally recognized NCLEX-PN exam and upon passing, the student becomes a Licensed Vocational Nurse.
In 1980, Howard College assumed responsibility for the Vocational Nursing program operating under the auspices of the San Angelo I.S.D. In 1990, there was a major curriculum change and the Vocational Nursing Program moved from a 12-month traditional clock hour certificate program with no college credit to the current 12-month college credit course.
“Unless we are making progress in our nursing every year, every month, every week, take my word for it we are going back.”
~Florence Nightingale, 1914
The purpose of the Vocational Nursing Program at Howard College San Angelo is to provide for the education of students in vocational nursing and provide learning opportunities that are innovative and educationally sound. We serve a 13 county area ranging from Lamesa to Junction with emphasis on Tom Green County and the citizens of the Concho Valley. The program and the college are committed to personal development of each student in the field of vocational nursing so that he or she will be able to serve the community as a competent staff vocational nurse.
The goal of the vocational nursing program is to prepare graduates with demonstrated competence in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains of vocational nursing practice as performed by licensed vocational nurses (LVNs).
We, the faculty, believe nursing is a practice discipline with a unique body of knowledge based on principles and concepts derived from the sciences and humanities. The goal of nursing as a caring profession is to assist individuals, families, and communities in health promotion, maintenance and restoration throughout the life process.
All admission requirements with the exception of prerequisite classes must be completed by June 5. Detailed information about all Health Professions programs and requirements may be found in the Health Professions Booklet.
Pre-application Requirements (Before June 5):
- Passing reading test scores from an approved college assessment exam are required to gain entrance into academic courses. If needed, HC administers the TSI exam. The Testing Schedule is posted on the campus website or may be obtained by contacting the Testing Center on each campus.
- Attend a Howard College Health Professions Orientation. A schedule may be obtained by contacting the HCSA Health Professions Division at (325) 481-8371, extension: 3435. Orientations will also be posted on the HCSA homepage. Attendance is mandatory for anyone applying to a San Angelo Program. Failure to attend a HPO may result in a reduction in admission points. The Health Professions Orientation is very important because at that time we will
answer all your program-related questions - Prior to actual admission to the Vocational Nursing Program, the applicant must successfully complete the required prerequisite courses with a final grade of “C” or above.
- BIOL 2101/2301 – Anatomy & Physiology I (Lecture & Lab)
- BIOL 2102/2302 – Anatomy & Physiology II (Lecture & Lab)
- BIOL 2120/2320 – Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (Lecture & Lab)
- PSYC 2314 – Lifespan Growth and Development
*HPRS 1206 – Essentials of Medical Terminology (May be taken during the program. Contact the Program Director)
***Anatomy and Physiology 1 and Microbiology MUST be completed by the June 5 application deadline***
- Students seeking admission to the Vocational Nursing Program must take the Test of Essential Academic Skills Test (TEAS). The student will be responsible for registering and paying for the exam through the ATI website ( The Testing Schedule is on the Howard College website Please contact the Testing Coordinator at (325) 481-8300 for more information. The TEAS V test can be taken once every 30 days with a maximum number of three (3) times per admission cycle (September 1 – May 31). ONLY TEAS scores will be accepted. TEAS scores not taken at Howard College will be accepted from ATI. TEAS scores greater than five (5) years of age will not be accepted.
- Successful completion of a criminal background check.
Application Requirements June 5.
- Submit the Health Professions application for the desired program online, along with transcripts from each college/university attended. Applications will be accepted starting April 1st with the final due date being June 5th.
- Provide proof of immunizations – provide copies, you keep the originals for your records. Immunizations required: Hepatitis B (3 doses OR a positive titer; must have received the first 2 doses of the series by June 5 deadline, MMR (2 doses OR a positive titer, Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis – one dose within the last 10 years). Varicella (2 doses OR a positive titer).
- Provide proof of a CNA license and/or completion of a CNA course.
Once Selected
- Successfully take and pass the approved Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers class.
- Pass a ten-panel drug test (prior to beginning clinical rotations—due date provided).
- Provide documented proof of health insurance.
- Pass a physical exam (form to be completed will be provided).
- Provide documentation of having taken the flu vaccine and completed a TB skin test (due date to be provided by program chair).
These expenses in addition to tuition and fees are approximate only and are subject to change.
Cost information, Tuition, and Fees for each semester can be found in the Howard College Catalog.
Fees Associated with Admission:
- Immunizations – Variable
- Background Check –Variable
- LVN Licensure – Variable
In addition to tuition/fees assessed from the college, the following approximate additional fees are the responsibility of the student and are subject to change:
- Basic Life Support Class for Health Care Providers (CPR) – $56 depending on where you take it.
- Physical Exam – Variable depending on health insurance
- 10-Panel Drug Test through Castle Branch –Variable
- Health Insurance – Variable
- TB Test (PPD) annually – Variable depending on health insurance
- Flu Shot annually –Variable
- Clinical Travel Expenses (in an out of town) – Variable
- Scrubs – red top / black pants – $60 each set (each student will need at least 2 sets of scrubs) (variable)
- Closed Toe/Heal Shoes – Variable
- Lab coats are optional – $40 (variable)
- Stethoscope – Variable
- Penlight – Variable
- Bandage Scissors – Variable
- Program Patch – $6
- Watch with a second hand (not digital or smart watch) – Variable
Textbooks and Online Programs: (prices are variable)
- Summer Semester I – $900
- Fall Semester II – $450
- Spring Semester III – $400
Computer access/availably and printing often required
Licensing Expenses during Final Semester:
- NCLEX- RN Exam Fee – $200
- RN Application Fee – $100
- Additional Reviews or products prior to taking NCLEX-RN Exam – Variable
Manuel Tobias MSN, RN.
Program Chair Vocational Nursing
Howard College San Angelo Campus
Phone: (325) 481-8371 ext. 3445
Email: [email protected]
Kelli Rowe
Assistant to Health Professions Division
(325) 481-8371, ext. 3435
(325) 481-8373 – Fax
[email protected]