San Angelo - Respiratory Care

We will be having Informational Sessions on Feb 4th, March 6th and April 16t at 5:30 at St. John’s.  Park in front and we will come get you in the front lobby.  Please email [email protected] to let me know you are coming and for any questions!

Click the link below if you are interested in a career in Respiratory Therapy!
For more information email: [email protected].

 Click below. If you have any questions about the program please contact us using the information below on the “Contact Us” tab. 

Respiratory Care is a two-year program leading to an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree. The Howard College Respiratory Care – Advanced Level AAS program (200442), located in San Angelo is accredited by The Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC) ( Upon successful completion of the program, graduates are eligible to take the National Board for Respiratory Care Therapist Multiple Choice Examination.  Upon passing this exam, graduates are then eligible to take the Advanced Practice Clinical Simulations.  The CRT or RRT credential is typically used as criteria for obtaining a state license to practice.



(Click Health Professions to do Background check & Drug Screen)