Spring 2022
Semester Start Information
Here are some of the most frequent questions and answers that relate to ALL Howard College campuses. For more specific updates that relate to only one campus, please visit the campus page. If you can not find the answer to your question please email [email protected]
Will classes be in person or online?
Please review your campus page for details as each campus may be handling this a little differently.
Are students and staff required to wear masks on campus?
Howard College is no longer requiring the use of masks. We encourage each individual to review CDC guidelines and recommendations to make an informed decision that best suits their personal situation.
What if my computer or internet are not working and I need to attend a virtual or online class?
Please utilize our technology needs reporting form to let us know if you are having technology issues. Our staff will do everything we can to assist you and make sure you can access your classes.
Are student services available in person for students?
All student support services, such as the library, tutoring center, advising, etc will be available in a multitude of formats, including virtual, online and face to face.
Are you tracking COVID-19 exposures and positive cases at Howard College/SWCD?
Yes, we have our reporting and tracking protocols outlined in the Open Howard College Plan. We are closely following all health and safety protocols as outlined by the CDC and other state and federal agencies. We have had positive cases as well as exposures confirmed throughout the college district. As stated in our plan, contract tracers work to identify and inform all individuals who may have been in contact with members of the college community that have tested positive for COVID-19 or are suspected to be positive. Additionally, we have a plan in place for exposures and case confirmations for students living in the residence halls on campus.
What is the college doing to help keep everyone safe?
Here are a few universal actions we are taking. Specific information can be found on the campus pages and in each class syllabus.
- Faculty, staff, and students are being asked to practice social distancing and frequent hand washing.
- We will have temperature screening kiosks across each campus.
- Dorms have been double sanitized to be prepared for student move-in.
- Specialized air filters have been purchased for each campus.
- Sanitation stations are installed throughout each campus.
- CDC approved cleaning solutions are being used to sanitize across all campuses. High frequency touch areas are sanitized throughout the day.
- All faculty and staff are screened prior to coming to work each day on all campuses.