Degree Oriented Programs

Associate Degrees

Looking to start a two-year degree or begin a four-year degree that you can complete at a university? You're in the right place!

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Career and Technical Education

Our job courses can help you get better at your work or learn new skills. If you want to prepare for a job or improve your abilities, we can help.

Career & Technical Education

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Health Professions Programs

Howard College prepares students for healthcare careers with programs like nursing, respiratory therapy, radiologic tech, and more! A focus on practical experience help students succeed in the industry.

Health Professions Programs

Howard College has many exciting programs for those seeking training and certifications in the Health Professions. See which campuses offer the program you are looking for. 

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Continuing Education & Workforce Training Certificate Based Programs

Commercial Drivers License (CDL)

We are leading the way in the Permian Basin and Concho Valley CDL programs!

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Earn your CDL in as little as 4 weeks!

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Workforce Training and Continuing Education Certificates

We have training and certification programs for specific locations. Find out what programs are available now!

Career & Technical Education

Browse courses in Big Spring and San Angelo!

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